Congratuations to our very own Dr Marcia Philbin, Amadeus Trustee and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine CEO

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine Chief Executive Dr Marcia Philbin picked up a Highly Commended award in the hotly contested CEO Leadership category at the 2022 Memcom awards ceremony last week.
FPM’s Chief Executive Dr Marcia Philbin picked up a Highly Commended award in the hotly contested CEO Leadership category at the 2022 Memcom awards ceremony last week.
In Marcia’s own words:
On Thursday 29 September I attended the Memcom Excellence Awards for 2022. Memcom is a community of membership organisations which acts a hub for communities of practice. This is the second year that FPM has entered the Awards and we were shortlisted in two categories, Best Integrated Marketing Campaign for PMST and CEO Leadership Award (me!).
I was shocked, humbled and delighted to have won the Highly Commended Award for CEO Leadership. The award is extra special because it was the FPM staff who nominated me and I want to thank them for their faith in me as a leader. I was delighted also to share the experience with both staff and volunteers who attended the event. I also want to extend my appreciation and sincere thanks to my peers who chose me for this award over the other excellent nominees. It means so much to me.
When I told my mother the next day, she was whooping with joy and pride. I wish my father was still alive to see how I have benefited from their selfless sacrifice to move from Jamaica to the “motherland” which was more often than not hostile to them. My parents were willing to endure racism and humiliation so that their children could have a better life and access education which provided opportunities that were never available to them back home. For that reason, my award is dedicated to my parents.